

  • £2300* per term / 3 terms a year (Termly Option)
  • £575*per month / 12 months(Monthly Option- 0% interest)
  • £600* per year / Service charge fee which includes building fund
  • *All fees are exclusive of VAT (20%)
  • Avatar


    • £15.75/ Exercise books
    • £50/ deposit only
    • £26/ Tie & Badge

    If you have any questions about our courses, please do not hesitate to contact us.


    0208 577 1827/0208 577 2463

    The school reserves the right to advise parents to withdraw their child from the school. This may apply when a child continuously disrupts their program of study to the extent that the education offered by the school is not utilised. Such advice will be given in recognition of the expenses the parents of the attending child are incurring, and the reduced benefit derived from such expense. Recommendations of withdrawal will also be made if a child imposes a negative influence upon other students in the school. If a child is to be withdrawn from school for any reason, one term’s notice is required. If a child is withdrawn within a term, the following term’s fees will be payable. Please refer to the application material for further details on fees.

    The cost of external examinations is not included in the tuition fees. Lunches, which are non-compulsory, are also charged as an extra. Pupils may bring their own packed lunches from home if preferred.


    • If payment is not received when due, the Governors reserve the right to refuse the pupil admittance and impose an administration charge of up to 1.5% per month
    • A full term’s notice must be given in writing to the Headmaster before the removal of a pupil from the school otherwise liability for one full term’s fees is incurred
    • Fees are reviewed annually in the Lent Term and may be subject to increase
    All Fees are exclusive of VAT (20%)