A “zero-tolerance”

A “zero-tolerance” approach to bullying at Oak Heights School is a fundamental principle of Oak Heights school that all members of the community – teachers, support staff, pupils and parents – are expected to treat each other with courtesy and respect. Everyone has the right to be safe and secure, whether at school or elsewhere, and to be protected when vulnerable, so that they may flourish without fear of unfair treatment or harassment. Failure by any member of the school community to treat others with courtesy and respect undermines the ethos and well-being of the whole school, and will always be regarded as a serious matter. The School’s approach to bullying is clear: it is always unacceptable. It damages children and the School will, therefore, do all it can to prevent it.

Bullying outside school premises

Where bullying outside school is reported to school staff, it will be investigated and acted. The Headmaster or Designated Safeguarding Lead will also consider whether it is appropriate to notify the police or other agencies of the action taken against a pupil. If the mis-behaviour could be criminal or poses a serious threat to a member of the public, the police will always be informed. Teachers have the authority to discipline pupils for misbehaving outside the school premises in accordance with the Behaviour Policy. This can relate to any bullying incidents occurring anywhere off the school premises, such as on school or public transport, outside the local shops or during an educational visit.