Oak Heights school (OHS) is a not-for-profit entity; whether you donate your time or money, 100% of your support goes directly to the benefit of the Oak Heights students. OHS is supported financially not only by tuition, but by donations from parents, Alumni, corporations, and many others. This additional support is what allows OHS to maintain its reputation of unsurpassed education in the Borough of Hounslow – and beyond. Maintaining these attributes is not inexpensive, so it is only through the benevolence of our donors that OHS can continue to offer its unique form of education while keeping tuition costs reasonable and providing Scholarships. We hope that you will respond with understanding, enthusiasm, and generosity when asked to support OHS. If you would like to make a donation by bank transfer (in the message section state “Annual Fund Donation”):  

BAC transfer see details below

  • Account Name:Oak Heights School
  • Account Number:11412076
  • Sort Code:23-05-80
  • Reference:Child’s surname followed by first name